An announcement from Kauai Community College (KCC) Meet with Courtney Tsumoto, Academic Advisor at UH Mānoa’s College of Education, Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS). Her role is to support current and future students in UH Mānoa’s statewide distance teacher preparation programs. She would love to help you understand admissions requirements and help you plan for and embark on your …

Submit Your Application for Spring 2022

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are coming, travel plans are coordinated, and gift-buying is on the rise. Amidst all this flurry of activity is the application deadline for a Spring 2022 scholarship from Growing Our Own Teachers on Kauai!  If you are completing your student teaching semester this coming spring, the deadline to submit your scholarship application …

Donors Choose: Mrs. Kan-Souza’s Classroom

While school is largely being held online via meeting applications, teachers and students still need supplies to help foster learning.  Mrs. Kan-Souza, a former GOOTOK recipient, current board member¹, and a teacher at Wilcox Elementary needs your help! She is online every day with 50 students and her laptop is too old to handle the pressure. She often loses her …